Wildberry Lodge, LLC

Happy Thanksgiving from us to you. Here’s what we are grateful for this year!


It has been a whirlwind of a year and I like to think that it is fitting that Thanksgiving happens just before the beginning of the New Year. Before we say good-bye to this year it’s important to sit down with loved ones, share a good meal and take a moment to reflect upon all the memories that we are thankful for this year.


With that said, all of us here at the Wildberry lodge want to share with you what we are thankful for. We hope that all of our guests and our readers have hearts that are full and have much to be thankful for as well. Happy Thanksgiving to you all and thank you for being a part of our lives.


Glenda (Owner and innkeeper)  “I am thankful for all my friends, my family and my soul mate, Ken. I am also thankful that we are able to provide a respite for guests away from the daily grind of life.”


Ken (Owner and Innkeeper)   “I am thankful for my loving wife. She is my rock. I am also thankful for another wonderful year meeting so many new people at the lodge. I love what I do and I am very lucky. I am also thankful for beer!”


Kate (Blogger, former housekeeper)  “I am thankful for new beginnings. I have so much in my life to be grateful for like my beautiful son who is happy and healthy and started school this year, my home, this job and my supportive friends and family. And wine. I’m thankful for good wine.”


Bonnie (Breakfast Chef)   “I am thankful for so much this year! My family, good health, friends and fun times! One of my sons, Joseph, accomplished the highest rank is Scouts, that of Eagle. And my wonderful husband just celebrated his 50th birthday.”


GG (Housekeeper)  “I am thankful for my family, my health and for my Wildberry family too!”


Will (Maintenance)  “I am thankful for my family.”



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